Property Assessment & Records

Jeff Grimm is the appointed Administrative Assessor for the Township. Contact Mr. Grimm for information about how your property is assessed for property tax purposes and for filing paperwork related to real and personal properties. Mr. Grimm’s goal is to respond to you within one (1) business day; however, response time may be up-to (and not exceed) five (5) business days depending on workload.
Phone: (231) 622-1419
E-Mail: [email protected]
Contat the Township Supervisor, Edward Kuligowski, for complaints or other feedback. Please note: All appointed staff are accountable to the Legislative Board of Trustees.


PARCEL (PROPERTY) RECORD CARDS: Record cards include sketches and pictures and are available online. See section PROPERTY RECORD CARD SEARCH – LIMITED below regarding access. Historic record card information may be reviewed at the Township Office during regular business hours. Or requested via phone or e-mail ([email protected]).
ECONOMIC CONDITION FACTOR ANALYSIS: Click Here to download the PDF version of the recent Economic Condiditon Factor Analysis for the Township.
LAND VALUE ANALYSIS: Click Here to download the PDF version of the recent Land Value Analysis for the Township.


The information accessed through the link below contains property “record card” information for parcels in Pleasantview Township and may include pictures and building sketches available for web browser viewing. The record card information is updated once yearly, in the spring. For ownership information, please see Emmet County Property Search (see below for access). Be advised, ALL PROPERTIES in Emmet County will not be listed at this link.
See Warning & Disclaimer below. Click Here to ACCESS the LIMITED RECORD CARD SEARCH.


Principle Residency Exemption (PRE): The deadlines for applications for a Principal Residence Exemption are June 1 and November 1 of each year. Qualified applications received by June 1 will be given the PRE exemption for the entire year. Applications received by November 1 will be eligible for the PRE on the winter bill only.

Mr. Grimm is asking everyone to take the time and look at their tax bills when you receive them. Please make sure they show the correct Principal Residence percent. If the Pleasantview Township parcel is your principal residence, it should show 100% PRE. If you are receiving the PRE and your parcel is not qualified you may be liable for back taxes, interest, and penalties.

Form 2368 Homeowner’s Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit: Please contact the Township. (You can also get this form at the above link

Form 2602 Request to Rescind Principal Residence Exemption (PRE): Please Contact the Township (You can also get this form at the above link

Property Assessments are calculated each year by the Assessor at 50% of the estimated value of each parcel of property. Assessment notices are sent to the owner of record in February of each year. Please make sure we have your correct mailing address by the beginning of January.

Property Assessment Appeals: You can appeal your property assessment(s) at the March Board of Review (BOR) held at the Township Hall. BOR members are Township property owners who, in turn, process your challenge of your property tax figured by the assessor with oversight by the Township Supervisor. The time and dates are listed on your Assessment Notice. The dates for BOR are also posted in the Petoskey Newspaper and on the Township bulletin boards. You may also contact the Township office. You do not need to be present at the BOR to appeal your assessment. You can send your appeal by letter or filling out Michigan Department of Treasury Petition to Board of Review L-4035. The petition is available at State of Michigan document website (MI Petition Board of Review). The petition can be sent via mail, fax, or in person. When appealing your assessment, it is strongly suggested to include with your letter and/or petition any comparable values of other properties in your neighborhood.

Disabled Veteran Exemption: Disabled veteran eligibility requirements include (a) an honorable discharged from the United States Armed Forces, (b) Michigan residency, and (c) one of the following criteria:

  • Has been determined by the United States Department of Veteran’s Affairs to be permanently and totally disabled as a result of military service and entitled to veterans’ benefits at the 100% rate.
  • Has a certificate from the United States Department of Veterans’ Administration, or its successors, certifying that he or she is receiving or has received pecuniary assistance due to disability for specially adapted housing.
  • Has been rated by the United States Department of Veterans’ Affairs as individually unemployable.

Individuals filing the affidavit for the exemption under Criteria A must provide a copy of the letter from the Veterans’ Administration indicating they have a 100% service connected disability and are entitled to receive benefits.

The Michigan State Tax Commission has determined that receipt of either grant would qualify an individual for the exemption under Criteria B. Individuals must file an affidavit for the exemption under Criteria B which must include a copy of the certificate from the Veterans’ Administration indicating they are receiving or have received pecuniary assistance due to disability for specially adapted housing.

The un-remarried surviving spouse of the disable veteran is eligible for the exemption based upon the eligibility of their spouse; therefore the spouse must also be a Michigan resident. The exemption will continue only as long at the surviving spouse remains un-remarried.

You must apply for the Disabled Vet Exemption each year. Additional information and the form are availble from your Township, County, or Michigan Department of Treasury (  

Disabled Veteran Tax Exemption Affidavit Form: Please contact the Township office. The form is also available on the Michigan Department of Treasury website (

Warning & Disclaimer: Be advised that Pleasantview Township and Emmet County make absolutely no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or usefulness of the information contained on this, and the legal descriptions, boundary lines, ownership information, and other information contained on this site may be incomplete or inaccurate. Users of this website are hereby further advised (1) property boundary lines displayed on this website have a margin of error that may be significant in some instances; (2) the boundary lines and ownership information on this website cannot be relied upon as a legal representation of the actual boundary lines between properties or actual ownership of title to properties; and (3) boundary lines and ownership information on this website cannot and should not be used in place of a professional survey and professional title search and opinion of title.  Use of the information contained in this website does not confer any type of contractual right, express or implied, at law or in equity, on users of the website and indicates your willingness and consent to release, waive, and disclaim all liability against Pleasantview Township and Emmet County and its Board members, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, contractors, successors, and assigns for any and all claims, actions, damages, or judgments of any kind whatsoever arising out of the use, misuse, or dissemination of the information contained on this website.

Additional Useful Resources

Emmet County GIS Interactive Mapping Click Here
The Global Information System (GIS) is a starting point for researching property maps and information.

Emmet County Property Search Click Here
Free public use of the Property Search System is available.
See Warning & Disclaimer above.
IMPORTANT: When searching for a property by address you may not access the correct property. Emmet County is undergoing a house numbering project that should correct this in the future. If you believe your property address is incorrect, contact the Emmet County Ordinance Enforcement Department. For further clarification on any of the searches listed, please contact Emmet County Equalization. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, contact the Emmet County Information Technology Department.
Click Here for Listing of Township Numbers and Parcel Explanation PDF