Township Hall Rental
Township Hall Rental
Pleasantview Township does allow the rental of the Hall for Pleasantview Township Residents only. A deposit of $100.00 is required. The deposit is refunded provided the following: a) everything is cleaned and sanitized, b) chairs, tables, and the like are put back in original order, c) the key is returned, d) nothing is broken, and e) windows and doors are fully closed and locked. Rental is dependent on staff availability. Please call the Township Office for information (231) 526-8140.
Township Hall Rental Update
The Township Board reviews the rental of the Township Hall as well as the schedule for public meetings at each Board meeting. The Township Board reserves the right to cancel any rental to preserve public health and welfare which includes the health concerns and availability of caregivers and Essential Workers. While postponing a gathering or rental is inconvenient, the goal is to ensure a safe and healthy environment that all can attend plus allowing time for cleaning and sanitizing between events. Thank you for your patience and understanding.